Tuesday, May 22, 2007


That was the first thing out of Tilly's mouth around 4:40 this morning. It was clear as day...daa-dee. As I was popping a paci back into Poppy's mouth, I said "I'm right here darling."

It was even in a regular speaking voice, not the rather erratic, excited burst that so much of their talking is. Usually she says something that sounds like daa-bprrr. That would be "daa" and a raspberry sound.

Now I must say that although I'm quite impressed with how much they are actually doing, I know she hasn't yet associated me to these sounds. Mommy has been teaching her to say Daddy for a while because she wants the girls to call for me first...not her! Daddy Daddy Daddy. Won't that be fantastic!

Regardless, it was sweet to hear.

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