Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Excitement is building

I am getting so excited. We're only 2 days from a major milestone and we get to see you again a week from tomorrow. And that time will pass so very quickly.

We went to a Twins, Triplets & more class last week just to give us a hint at what we're in for. I think I'm supposed to be scared! Feedings every 1 1/2 - 2 hours... for about 20 minutes each... if they tag team Mama (worse case scenario) that means about 50 minutes in a stretch... maybe I should be scared!!! How cranky will we be?!? Something like 162 diapers per week! I guess it won't take too long to get the hang of changing them. I have a feeling that picking up dog poop may take a bit of the edge off baby poop... but only the edge!

Still, I'm looking forward to it. All I think of are cute little dresses, cute little shoes, cute little hats and socks. We already have adorable matching outfits for pictures.

I'd say this is going to be great but it already is!

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